About me


I enjoy life as a husband and father in central Nebraska. As a family we love the outdoors, traveling, spending time with friends and extended family. Faith is central as we do life together with our gospel centered local church community. I enjoy modern board games more then watching movies. As a lifetime learner I value reading a wide breadth of books and materials. I have a particular weakness for book by C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, Douglas Adams & Terry Pratchett. Since I was young I have always asked why and how that attitude played out with everything possible being taken apart to discover how it worked. Today it has translated in to the maker movement and a builder. (although I still occasionally take things apart to see how they work)



The term “Full-Stack” is term that has been thrown around for awhile and seems to have many different definitions. I use full-stack in the way that Scott Lowe defines it on the Full Stack Journey Podcast.

A full stack engineer is an engineer who is capable of moving among multiple layers and multiple silos within the modern data center technology stack. That’s not to say that a full stack engineer will be an expert in all these areas (though that would be quite the feat!). Instead, a full stack engineer will have significant experience or expertise in one or two major technology areas along with reasonable knowledge of or proficiency in multiple other areas. Further, a full stack engineer will actively work toward tearing down silos, encouraging cross-team communications and cooperation for the benefit of their organization.


DevOps, as the name suggests is a combination of “development” and “operations”. DevOps is a culture and practice that desires to unifying the software “development” and software “operation”. There needs be automation and monitoring at all steps of software engineering: integration, testing, releasing, deployment & infrastructure management.

  1. If it is not automated, it is not done.
  2. If it moves, you measure it.
  3. If it is not monitored, then it does not exist.

Some of the major benefits of DevOps are shorter development cycles, increased deployment frequency, and more dependable releases, all in close alignment with business objectives. There are a number of tools that fit well into the DevOps movement but there is no “DevOps tool” as DevOps is really more about the culture and a way of doing things then about any specific tool.